Israel’s 10/7 Was Worse Than You Think
”We didn’t know which head belonged to which kid,” a first responder remarked.

Written by Hudson Crozier
Warning: this article covers disturbing acts of violence.
What’s happening: Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, credible sources have confirmed brutal details of the Palestinian terror attack against Israel last month.
Why it matters: While many downplay what happened, the evidence shows cruelty beyond the killings, rapes, and kidnappings that were already known.
From doctors and volunteers: A forensic team released images of people bound with wire and burned alive. An Israeli first responder said he found the body of a pregnant woman with her belly “cut open” and a baby stabbed inside. Another baby “was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded,” according to a volunteer morgue worker.
Torture: The first responder also said about 80 percent of bodies his organization found showed evidence of torture, including children “missing body pieces.” Another volunteer found a dead woman who was “tied to a bed … with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed.”
Holocaust-level horrors: Two other firstresponders described an infant burned alive in an oven. An Israeli journalist then reported “several” bodies of babies “with grill marks,” citing the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and a volunteer organization.
More beheadings: One of these first responders said his team “couldn’t tell which head belonged to which kid” while sorting through bodies.
Unhinged: Hamas reportedly told its members to have no restraint because the attack was a suicide mission. Some killers were cheering one another and “having the time of their lives,” according to the Washington Post’s review of footage. A meth-like substance was found on the bodies of terrorists which likely contributed to their behavior.
No remorse: A Hamas official declared this month that Palestinians “are the victims” and “will do this again and again” until Israel is “finished.”