Biden Admin Is Putting Migrant Children 'In the Hands of Criminals,' Whistleblower Says
Biden’s relaxed border policies have reportedly put children in the custody of criminals and sex traffickers who are in the country illegally.

Written by Hudson Crozier
What’s happening: In an interview with Project Veritas, federal official Tara Rodas alleged that the government is knowingly endangering migrant children through its sponsorship system with the support of U.S. tax dollars.
Criminals sponsoring children: Rodas, who was deployed to the border in California, alleged that sponsors for minors “typically are not [U.S.] citizens” and are often criminals or sex traffickers. Project Veritas spoke to a runaway migrant child who said her sponsor would “pimp” her to men. Federal agents dismissed Rodas’ concerns, saying they “don’t get sued by traffickers,” and later blocked her from accessing these cases.
How did we get here? While dealing with record numbers of unaccompanied migrant children, the Biden administration has relaxed the vetting process for sponsors—or supervisors—for children, prioritizing “speed over safety” in providing the children with homes, Rodas said. Adults who aren’t related to the children often submit fraudulent information to gain sponsorship.
Why it matters: As House Republicans prepare to investigate the border crisis, this new evidence supports prior claims from congressmen that the Biden administration is complicit in the trafficking of migrant children through its lax policies.