Debunking Media Myths About January 6

Trump Did Not Incite The Riot

Here's exactly what President Donald Trump said:

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your votes heard today." [The Western Journal]

While CNN and the MSM call it inciting violence, it isn't. Trump repeatedly and firmly urged for his supporters to remain peaceful. After the violence broke out, he again urged for no violence, and asked for "everyone at the capital to remain peaceful". During the impeachment trial, Democrats left this out of the opening because it clearly disproves their narrative.

Trump's speech emphasized peaceful protesting, and Trump's tweets following the speech condemned the violence and urged peace.

The Timeline Was Debunked:

  • 12:00PM → Trump begins speech

  • 12:40 PM → Violent protestors arrived at the Capitol

  • 01:09 PM → Conditions were poor and efforts were made to call in the National Guard.

  • 01:11 PM → Trump concludes his speech

  • 01:50 PM → Capitol was breached, prior to already being attacked for ~ 1 hr.

  • 01:56 PM → Earliest that Trump speech attendees could arrive at the Capitol. (There's a 45-minute walk between Trump's speech location and the Capitol)

Bad actors were influenced independently of Trump; they had to have left far before Trump's speech concluded or before it even began.

The Attacks Were Pre-Planned: The FBI knew that there was potential for violence at the Jan 6th protest. The FBI warned local law enforcement about their intelligence, yet the Capitol Police rejected security help.

The attackers were there to attack regardless of Trump's speech. Trump didn't incite them.

Leftists Helped Incite the Attack: John Sullivan recorded himself entering the Capitol posing as a journalist when interviewed on CNN. His role was more than a journalist; Sullivan instigated the crowd. With a megaphone, he yelled "We about to burn this s**t down", "It's time for a revolution" towards a crowd at the Capitol. He's the founder of Insurgence USA, a group for racial justice and police reform.

Many Protestors Were Let Into The Capitol By Guards

Capitol police let Trump supporters directly into the Capitol building. First, they allowed them through the gates, and then directly into the building. We're not denying that some were violent - a small group of people who broke windows and a door to get into the building. The vast majority peacefully 'trespassed'.

Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside.— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) January 8, 2021 

CNN wrote an article about the damage that rioters caused to the capitol building. It consists of five images. A couple of damaged doors, shattered glass, and an office with papers scattered across it. The only real damage was from a small group of protestors who broke in. For the media's narrative of a violent coup attempt, the damage is very limited. Federal prosecutors charged only 25 people with property crimes.

Trump Supporters Did Not Murder a Cop

Following the Capitol Riot, the media spread the story of Officer Brian Sicknick. They claimed that a pro-Trump mob bashed his skull with a fire extinguisher - and killed him.

The media reported on this non-stop. It was the driving force behind the demonization of protestors, as Sicknick would be the only non-Trump-supporter death on January 6.

The autopsy revealed that he suffered no blunt trauma. The narrative of Trump supporters bludgeoning him to death was fabricated. The men arrested were not charged with murder, but instead, assault with a gas. Sicknick's mother claims he died of a stroke.

Trump Supporters Didn't Kill Anyone

The only deaths were of Trump supporters, of them:

  1. Ashli Babbitt, shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer, trying to break into the Speaker's lobby.Cause of Death: Homicide

  2. Kevin Greeson, suffered from high blood pressure. Had a heart attack.Cause of Death: Natural

  3. Rossane Boyland, acute amphetamine intoxication.Cause of Death: Accident

  4. Benjamin Philips, died of stroke.Cause of Death: Natural

None of the deaths were intentional, and all of them were of Trump supporters. Brian Sicknick isn't added in the list because he died following the riot. There is no evidence (yet) to tie his death to the riot.

A Trump Supporter Did Not Bring In 'Zip Ties' To Hold Politicians Hostage

Outlets reported that a protestor brought Zip-Ties into the capitol, and spread the notion that there was a plot to kidnap Congressmen or to hold them hostage. Based off that information, prosecutors initially claimed he planned to "capture and assassinate elected officials."

The Zip-Tie guy took the Zip-Ties from a table in the Capitol. In his disposition, he claimed to have taken them to prevent their use by the police.

There Was Never A "Coup" Attempt

Labeling the riot as a 'coup' was a political attempt at exaggerating the seriousness of the riot.

A coup attempt includes illegal and overt attempts by the military or other elites within the state apparatus to unseat the sitting executive. [Journal of Peace Research]

The protestors were not:

  1. Backed by military or any form of government

  2. Armed (besides reported bear spray)

  3. Elites

  4. Attempting to unseat our government

The 'coup' narrative only holds if Trump directed the protestors and they intended a power grab through harm or holding officials hostage. That was all debunked above. A 'coup' label is beyond ridiculous.


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