Equity vs. Equality: The Real & Terrible Difference

The first two images are propaganda. The third image is reality. Here’s why.
Equality means everyone is treated the same regardless of identity, race, or background. There is no discrimination.
The goal of equality: Give everyone an equal opportunity for success.
The problem with equality (according to activists): Everyone is given an equal opportunity for success making people responsible for their own successes or failures.
An example: Those applying to a school would be accepted by their qualifications only. Using identifiers like race, gender, ethnicity, etc for decision-making would be examples of discrimination and would be avoided. The more qualified individual will win and the other would lose.
Equity is the opposite of equality. Identity, race, background, and behavior are taken into account so everyone is treated differently. There is manufactured discrimination in equity.
The goal of equity: Make everyone equally successful (or unsuccessful).
The problem with equity: Creating identical outcomes for people requires artificially helping demographics deemed worthy. Although this is advertised as moral (and is why social justice initiatives promote equity), helping specific demographics means hurting and discriminating against others.
An example: In an equity-based system, those applying to a school would be accepted by their identifiers like race, gender, ethnicity, etc. Specific demographics deemed worthy of help would be accepted. All others (who may be more qualified) would be hurt and discriminated against.
Case Study: Affirmative Action
Affirmative action seeks to create an equitable system where everyone is successful. It aims to remove racial disparity in universities. The result is discrimination.
While helping some races deemed worthy of helping (Black and Latino Americans), Asian Americans are severely hurt. In a closed system like University applications, it is impossible to boost a certain demographic without hurting others.
"According to a study done by Princeton University in 2009, Asian Americans applicants’ SAT scores had to be 140 points higher than White students, 270 points higher than Hispanic students, and 450 points higher than Black students in order to be admitted to top universities. [El Estoque]"
Because of their racial identity, in an equitable system, Asian Americans (and also White Americans) are discriminated against.
Case Study: COVID Relief [Whole Article Here]
According to politicians and the CDC, equitable distribution of COVID relief and vaccinations was supposed to serve as justice for historical discrimination. The result was again discrimination. In May 2021, a Texas judge found that Biden's admin engaged in racial and gender discrimination.
The United States chose who would receive aid based on their race or gender rather than their actual level of need.
"Socially disadvantaged" (racial groups who faced discrimination in the U.S.) farmers were helped. White farmers were left out of government aid regardless of their needs. In this case, equity discriminates along racial lines again.
Aid was given to restaurant owners, but only women, veterans, and "socially disadvantaged people" (minorities) could apply in the beginning. Again, the equitable system trying to right past wrongs and bring success to everyone discriminated against White males.
The CDC pushed health equity. They decided to expedite vaccines for essential workers instead of the elderly because the minorities were under-represented in the elderly demographic. The elderly, who are the highest risk group, were discriminated against because of aims to create "health equity."