Florida May Accept Classical Alternative To The SAT

Written by Jack Elbaum
What’s happening: Florida may become the first state to accept a test other than the SAT or ACT in its public universities. The Florida Board of Governors will vote on whether to adopt the Classical Learning Test (CLT) as an acceptable college admissions exam later this month.
The details: The CLT focuses on the “Western tradition” and is “rooted in a teaching model that emphasizes the humanities, morality, and classical literature.”
Why it matters: Florida is a leader in education among conservative states, which means others may follow in its footsteps if it adopts the CLT. Pioneered by Hillsdale College and used almost exclusively by religious universities, its proliferation would represent a significant conservative shift in educational priorities across the country.
Plus: The College Board, which writes the SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams, has been criticized for incorporating radical political elements into its testing.