Scandal Grows As More Foreign Payments To The Bidens Uncovered

Written by Hudson Crozier
What’s new: With his father’s influence, Hunter Biden and his business associates made at least $20 million combined during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, according to a new report from the House Oversight Committee. The report alleges that Joe Biden used his family as a “vehicle to receive bribery payments.”
Why it matters: Lawmakers say these foreign payments could be illegal if they ever influenced Joe Biden as a government official. Evidence suggests exactly that. Biden allegedly took a bribe and then withheld aid from the Ukrainian government to help Hunter Biden’s business partners avoid prosecution.
More: The report noted that Joe Biden had meals with some of Hunter’s business associates around the time that certain payments occurred. The Bidens also had a suspicious network of shell companies that obscured the money’s origins. Further, Hunter once said that his father made him hand over “half” of his income.
Even more: The report also shows that the Bidens were paid by oligarchs and businessmen from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan, many of who were involved in corruption scandals or crimes. According to the report, one of the sources of the money was closely connected to the man from whom Joe Biden allegedly took a direct bribe.
Media narrative: Legacy media insist that there is no “proof” of wrongdoing because the committee has not revealed a “direct payment” to Joe Biden. The committee responded to this narrative, saying, This is a hollow claim no other American would be afforded if their family members accepted foreign payments or bribes.”