Biden Admin Under Fire for Allowing Migrant Children To Be Trafficked for Labor, Sex

The Department of Health and Human Services now says it has no control over what happens to the children it processes.

Photo by Roi Dimor / Unsplash

By Hudson Crozier

What’s happening: Reports continue to emerge that President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services is handing over countless unaccompanied migrant children to sponsors who exploit and abuse them. The reports center around the fact that the Biden administration has relaxed rules for vetting sponsors to prioritize speed in handling the massive influx of children at the southern border.

Human trafficking: This week, federal whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas said in interviews and testimony that the HHS performs background checks on potential sponsors without the assistance of law enforcement, relying on unverified and often fraudulent documents from the applicants. She said the weak system makes the government a “middleman” for traffickers. Project Veritas has found anecdotal evidence supporting her claims, including a migrant girl who said her sponsor would “pimp” her to adults.

Child labor: The New York Times recently exposed that sponsors are forcing migrant children to work grueling, dangerous jobs in violation of child labor laws and that the HHS has lost track of over 85,000 children. HHS officials now say that they have no control over what happens to the children after releasing them to sponsors. Sources who informed the HHS of a statistical rise in child labor or suspicious sponsors said that the agency shifts blame or outright ignores the problem.

America’s current border response: Republicans have made numerous proposals to crack down on illegal border crossers and cartels, but Democrats largely reject a stricter approach and are instead pushing for fewer detainments—illegal aliens who are LGBT will not be detained under Democrats’ new bill, for example. The Biden administration is also expanding opportunities for legal asylum. There are currently over 1,400 border crossings per day, and that number will likely skyrocket when Title 42, a Trump-era regulation, expires next month.


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