Biden Gaslights Americans in His SOTU Address

On Russia: President Joe Biden asserted his stance against Russia, with much of the Western world coordinating to sanction the Eastern country for its invasion of Ukraine. Many members of congress wore blue and yellow ribbons in solidarity with Ukraine.
Biden reassured that “we are going to be okay” and emphasized that the United States would not fight Russia in this conflict.
On gas prices: To mitigate the cost of gas during the Russo-Ukrainian crisis, Biden will release 30 million barrels from the reserve. Biden previously released 50 million barrels in November to combat gas price rises, to little effect.
On the pandemic: Despite that less than a month ago Democrats were still pushing vaccine and mask mandates, almost all of Congress was maskless. The president signaled that it was time to move past the politicization of the virus and that it was important to keep businesses and schools open. “COVID-19 need no longer control our lives.”
On the economy, Biden focused on:
American manufacturing
Rebuilding infrastructure
Lowering prescription drug costs
Providing tax credits for green energy
And fixing the taxing system
On China: Biden focused on increasing investments into domestic semiconductor production to compete with China and lower our foreign dependence.
Prepping for midterms: In efforts to save an unpopular party before midterms, Biden made it a point to recycle Republican talking points. He called:
To bring back American manufacturing.
Against defunding the police and explicitly emphasizing the need to “fund the police.”
Against lockdowns and mask mandates
For fixing our border situation, which sounded Trump-like on the surface, but actually called for progressive immigration policies and clearer pathways to citizenship.
Big picture: In an appeal to the average American, Biden promised to solve some of the problems plaguing the country: inflation, immigration, crime, and lockdowns. Ironically, all these issues were made possible by Biden and his party’s own actions.