California LGBT Law Drives Sex Trafficking, Police and Social Workers Say
The safety of women and children often takes a back seat to the politics of LGBT inclusion.

Photo by charlesdeluvio / Unsplash
By Hudson Crozier
What’s happening: Anti-sex-trafficking advocates in California reported a large uptick in prostitution since a pro-LGBT law took effect this month.
Senate Bill 357, authored by Democratic state Sen. Scott Weiner, decriminalized loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution. Weiner said the charge had a disproportionate impact on black people and “trans women” and that his bill would reduce “profiling” by police.
The reality: Without the anti-loitering statute, officers no longer have the grounds to question women and children whom they suspect might be trapped in a prostitution ring. The Oakland Police Department said that without the loitering charge, officers rescue little more than half as many underage girls from traffickers. Social workers said pimps have become more active on social media and in the streets as they are less afraid of law enforcement. This leads to an increase in exploitation and, thus, more health risks and trauma for sex slaves with less hope of escape.
The bottom line: Veto-proof Democratic majorities in California have passed several radical gender-related bills by Sen. Weiner. One is being challenged in court for allowing males who identify as females to enter women’s prisons, leading to sexual assault. California’s policies show how, in practice, the safety of women and children often takes a back seat to progressives’ stated goal of LGBT inclusion.