Canada Shows Signs of a Rightward Shift
Canadians are increasingly souring on the government of Justin Trudeau.

Written by Anthony Constantini
What’s happening: Though elections aren’t scheduled for another two years, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s polling is so bad that a recoverable seems almost impossible: his party is at 26 percent approval while the opposition Conservatives are at 43 percent.
Why the bad news?: Trudeau has been in office for 8 years, and his father was for about 15 — so it’s possible that Canadians are simply getting tired of the Trudeaus.
Zoom in: But he has also failed to address rising housing costs, which was a major campaign promise. He’s also pushed an increasingly unpopular and expensive carbon tax.
Enter Pierre Poilievre: The Conservative Party has seized the moment with a savvy candidate.
The angle: Pushing “common sense” instead of what he portrays as Trudeau’s fiscal irresponsibility, Poilievre has dropped an earlier focus on attacking Trudeau on social issues and has pivoted to bread-and-butter economic issues — and it’s working, as evidenced by his rising approval and his party’s numbers.
But, Poilievre has two problems: firstly, elections are two years away. Secondly, he must walk a tightrope: wink to the socially conservative members of his party, keeping them engaged while refraining from embracing too much social conservatism as Canada is simply not a socially conservative country.