Cancel Culture Curriculum at U.K. Universities
Almost 100 universities in the United Kingdom are teaching professors and students the advantages of cancel culture.

An online course designed to teach professors and students about the benefits of cancel culture has been taken up by almost 100 U.K. universities.
It’s part of an anti-racism course in higher education. Course contributors strongly believe that “systemic racism” runs deep in society and has poorly influenced traditional classroom material. These courses are an attempt to right those wrongs.
Participants are taught the “advantages” of cancellation. One online module claims that the act of canceling teaches personal accountability. Another alleged benefit mentioned is the promotion of cultural change through social pressure. When put into action, canceling on a university campus often involves public shaming followed by expulsion or loss of one’s position.
Big picture: Cancel culture is becoming more and more common. As academia encourages it, professors and students who don’t adhere to progressive dogma will be increasingly silenced and persecuted.