DHS Funds LGBT Youth Organization Promoting Sex Changes, Secrecy With Parents
The Biden administration continues to put taxpayer dollars toward LGBT causes in schools.

Written by Hudson Crozier
The scoop: The Department of Homeland Security has awarded $530,000 to an activist group to give “in-school support for LGBTQ+” students as young as 6 years old in Washington, D.C., and Montgomery County, Maryland.
The government’s project will provide “training for school staff and youth service providers, resilience programming for LGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24, and support for parents and caregivers.” The DHS would not elaborate on any of this when Upward News asked for comment.
The activists: The group is the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, which gives “sexual health” lessons to children 13 and up and promoted a Planned Parenthood clinic that offers hormone treatments to adults. SMYAL is also part of a larger organization called the Gender & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) Network that encourages keeping secrets from “unsupportive” parents about their children’s participation in GSA activities.
Why it matters: The government’s grant is part of a “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Program” that started before Joe Biden’s presidency, mainly in response to Islamic terrorism. The Biden administration has turned it into another way to influence children toward LGBT ideology — whether parents and taxpayers like it or not. The DHS claims the “risk of violence and negative mental health outcomes” makes this grant necessary.