International Medical Community Condemns America’s Health Institutions
The politics of the scientific community has made Americans skeptical of government and medical institutions alike in recent years.

Photo by Marcelo Leal / Unsplash
What’s happening: A group of doctors from nine countries condemned U.S. medical institutions in an open letter last month, citing the scientific community’s ignorance to evidence against sex-change treatments for minors. Meanwhile, for the fourth year in a row, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ignored a proposal by its own physicians to shift away from “gender-affirming care” toward a more evidence-based approach.
The trend: Public trust in U.S. institutions and the scientific community has fallen in recent years — especially among Republicans — because of their politicization: These institutions, in an effort to appear “inclusive,” push for and promote easier access to sex-change treatments for minors while ignoring calls by many physicians to examine the risks. Most Americans oppose these treatments, and numerous states now restrict such procedures for minors.
Behind the curve: European countries have backtracked and are taking a more cautious approach with gender-dysphoric minors, citing new studies showing the psychological and physical risks of minors transitioning. But America is doubling down, with the federal government now putting its weight behind sex changes for children.
Remember: These medical institutions pushed unscientific vaccine mandates and lockdowns and moved in uniformity to promote the largely untested vaccines at the time — all contributing to the erosion of trust. The COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Pfizer was also caught paying off medical organizations to lobby for and promote vaccine mandates.
Going “woke”: Many medical institutions enforce diversity, equity, and inclusion standards, and some schools require medical students to learn about “intersectionality” and the medical impact of white supremacy. This leads physicians to promote procedures they believe to be “equitable” but are unscientific and dangerous. For example, the CDC recently released guidance on “chestfeeding” for transgender parents despite medical risks.