Europe tries to shut down a conservative conference

Also, the Crimea discourse shift

Today we’re covering:

  • 🛑 Canceling a conservative conference,

  • 📉 Congress’ views of the Ukraine war,

  • 📱 E.U. claiming "Russian interference,"

  • And everything else you need to know.

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🇺🇸 American troops in the Middle East may be facing increased threats. The Pentagon is concerned that American soldiers at outposts in Syria and Iraq could be targeted by Iran or its proxies. With Iran’s attack on Israel escalating tensions in the Middle East, U.S. military leadership is leaving open the possibility of sending additional troops to the region as new threats loom.

🇨🇳 The Chinese congratulated Iran on attacking Israel. After the Iranians launched a drone and missile barrage at Israel, the Chinese foreign minister described the attack as “self-defense” and Iran as “good-neighborly and friendly.” The minister held phone calls with both Iran and Saudi Arabia after the attack, as the Asian nation continues to strengthen its presence in the region through these key players.

🇨🇳 China’s economy grew faster than expected. Despite navigating a housing crisis, the Chinese economy grew at an annualized pace of around 6.6% in the first quarter. Much of the growth came from its manufacturing sector, where a surge of new factories are being built for Electric Vehicle (E.V.) production. Western countries heavily depend on China to manufacture E.V.s as they transition from gas-powered cars.

🇮🇳 India’s Modi is looking at a landslide election win. The world’s most populous country is kicking off its six-week national election, with populist Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party expected to dominate. Amid the U.S. and Europe attempting to sway India to Westernize, Modi has successfully formed a Hindu-nationalist society that pragmatically aligns with the West, China, and Russia.

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