Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill Explained
Republicans view bills like “Don’t Say Gay” as a way of holding teachers and their curriculum accountable to what voters and parents want.

Florida Republicans have outraged the MSM (once again) by advocating for HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education. To rally opponents, the MSM has falsely dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill. Here’s everything you need to know:
Why it matters: Schools around the nation have been caught teaching radical, progressive values to children, from shunning whiteness to encouraging LGBTQ identity. Republicans view bills like “Don’t Say Gay” as a way of holding teachers and schools accountable to voters and parents.
Bans classroom instruction for few grades: The MSM alleges that this bill prohibits all LGBTQ+ discussion in all Florida schools. In reality, the bill only bars classroom instruction “about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels”, from kindergarten to third grade.
The “outing” students lie: Its critics asserted that an amendment to the bill would require staff to “out” students within six weeks. In reality, the amendment only enforces the bill’s required parental notification for decisions that impact a child’s mental or physical health.
Clubs & informal conversation: Progressives claim that the bill will silence LGBTQ students, but the bill’s sponsors have clarified that clubs and informal conversations about gender and sexuality will still be permitted under the legislation.
Suing school districts: If a school procedure or practice breaks any of the above regulations, a parent has the right to raise concerns to the principal and bring an action against the district.
Forty-nine percent of Florida voters approve of the bill. If signed into law, the bill would go into effect in July. Several other states have similar bills in process.