What's Causing The Massive Spike In LGBTQ Children?

Gender Nonconforming Students in Maryland County Increased by 582 Percent Last School Year. Why?

Photo by CDC / Unsplash

What happened: Montgomery County, the largest and most affluent public school district in Maryland, saw a 582 percent increase in the number of students that identified as gender nonconforming over two years.

The specifics

During the 2019-2020 school year, only 35 students in the school district reported that they were gender nonconforming—identified as something other than their biological sex. That included four elementary students, 19 middle schoolers, and 12 in high school.

During the 2021-2022 school year, a total of 239 students reported that they were gender nonconforming. That included 18 elementary school students, 129 middle schoolers, and 92 high schoolers. Forty-five percent of these students considered themselves “non-binary.”

Parents are taking their children out of Montgomery County Public Schools in response to the trend.

Why is this happening?

As Upward News has documented, lower education has been adopting radical progressive curricula and lesson plans nationwide. While many focus on individual teachers and school boards, other, more powerful forces fuel the trend.

The White House: The White House signed executive orders to promote LGBT+ in public education and protect minors’ ability to get “gender-affirming” care or sex changes. At one point, the Biden Administration threatened to withhold lunch funding to public schools that wanted to keep bathrooms separated by biological sex.

Federal entities like the Department of Health & Human Services, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Justice Department, and others have moved in tandem with the administration to promote transgenderism among youth. This past week, the CDC allocated $85 Million in funding to pressure schools to adopt LGBT groups.

Hospitals and medical associations: Hospitals in America’s largest cities are promoting transgenderism and sex-change treatments, with a hospital in Chicago even partnering with local public schools to teach about the topic. The American Medical Association has lobbied states to increase sex-change treatment access to children, going as far as contacting the Justice Department to censor and prosecute journalists exposing the inner workings of the transgender youth movement.

Democratic states like Illinois, and California, among others (like Michigan soon), have proposed or passed legislation to protect child transitioning too. Under Gavin Newsom, California passed the most drastic bill yet, turning the state into a transgender “sanctuary state” that could lead to parents losing custody of children they refuse to transition.

Big picture

Gender dysphoria diagnoses for all U.S. kids soared by 70 percent in 2021. With all the institutional forces driving the radical movement, the increase in LGBT kids is no coincidence, leading many to wonder if it's really happening organically, as progressives claim.


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