#JusticeForTheFive, Possible Infanticide Exposed in D.C.

Background: Police reported that they found five fetuses in a home in Washington, D.C, last Wednesday. The fetuses were discovered at a pro-life activist’s house after several activists were charged with blocking access to an abortion clinic.
Legacy media used the story to attack the pro-life movement. Those tuned into outlets like CNN were shown pro-life activists—with criminal records—found with unborn human remains. Liberal outlets focused on the activists’ history of blocking abortion clinics and the soundbite of conservatives possessing human fetuses.
The language used by such outlets is noteworthy itself.
"Police say they found five fetuses in a home in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, days after the indictment of several anti-abortion activists -- including a woman believed to live in the home where the fetuses were discovered -- on charges of blocking access to a reproductive health clinic in 2020,” CNN.
Simply switching pro-life to anti-abortion, abortion clinics to reproductive health clinics, and babies to fetuses radically shifts the tone of their reporting.
The whole story: These weren’t unhinged activists found with human remains—they were activists attempting to expose potential illegality and violation of the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Act, which bans abortion late in pregnancy.
The five aborted children: According to horrified expert physicians who spoke with Live Action, the babies were viable and should have been in nurseries.
While D.C. has legalized late-term abortions, medical professionals are required by federal law to provide life-saving care to viable children after abortion.
The doctor performing abortions at the D.C. clinic where the babies were discovered repeatedly denied providing the required life-saving efforts.
The D.C. medical examiner announced no plans to further investigate with autopsies.
Justice for the five: Conservatives are demanding local and federal authorities to investigate the clinic for infanticide with the hashtag #JusticeForTheFive.