New NY Guns Restrictions Defy SCOTUS Decision, Constitution
Gov. Hochul’s new measures propose “buffer zones” to regulate where citizens can conceal carry.

Last week, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced her intentions to pursue an agenda of gun control, signing a measure outlining new restrictions on obtaining a firearm license.
The measures:
Requires background checks to look into applicants' social media accounts. The new measure requires applicants to submit a list of every social media account they had in the past three years to confirm “the applicant’s character and conduct.”
Requires 16 hours of firearm training for applicants.
Provides new guidelines for obtaining a concealed carry license. The new guidelines require applicants to provide four character references and list the contact information for any domestic partners or adults they live with.
Provides a list of places owners cannot carry firearms. Schools, places of worship, parks, public transportation, and health facilities are all included.
Updates concealed carry laws for private & public businesses. The bill makes "No Concealed Carry on Private Property and Businesses Unless Deemed Permissible by Property Owners” the default policy for businesses.
Is this constitutional? The measures, signed by Hochul, are expected to be challenged in court by Republicans. Many have said the actions infringe on rights upheld by the Supreme Court.
In defiance of the Supreme Court. On June 23rd, the Supreme Court overturned a New York law requiring applicants to have “proper cause” to obtain a concealed carry license. Hochul’s new measures respond to this decision and propose “buffer zones” to regulate where citizens can conceal carry. The constitutionality will be tested.