Soros Pivots To Eastern Europe’s Racial Politics

Soros aims to help out the Roma Movement, which is used to stir up hostility toward conservative countries.

Written by Ken Meekins

What’s happening: Alex Soros wrote an article in Politico responding to media reports that claim his family’s Open Society Foundation is retreating from its influence in Europe. The foundation is only shifting focus to Eastern Europe, he says.

Why it matters: Among other goals, the shift includes focusing on Europe’s Roma communities, in alignment with Washington’s goal of spreading “democracy” in Europe.

  • Background: The Romani people, sometimes referred to as “gypsies,” are a traditionally nomadic group of people in Europe who have always been distinctly different than Europeans. The Soros network sees them as “the biggest European minority, the most neglected and disadvantaged.”

  • The movement: Alex Soros supports the Roma Movement, a movement for ethnic equality for Roma people. The OSF has pushed for policies of “inclusion” for the Roma people throughout Europe.

  • Between the lines: Similarly to Black Lives Matter in America, the Roma Movement is used to push racial victimhood politics in Europe, centered around targeting conservative countries such as Hungary and claiming they are racist toward the Roma.

Dive deeper: The Soros family has pushed a load of liberal agendas in Europe for decades. Its organizations have assisted with the shipping of Middle Eastern migrants to the continent, leading Hungary to ban groups that help illegal immigrants.


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