Couple Of Reasons Why The FBI Can't Be Trusted In 2021

Today, the FBI still fails to be an efficient and objective tool of law enforcement.

Illustration: Jared Egusa / Unwoke Narrative

Updated Feb 16, 2022: Corrected info regarding federal operatives in Michigan story

Written by Hudson Crozier

From the early days of its growth, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), created in 1908 by the Department of Justice (DOJ), elicited cautious warnings by many in Congress of its potential for abuse of power. Long before the end of the century, those fears were well confirmed. The Bureau has been accessorized in some of the biggest federal scandals, such as the extreme anti-communist investigations of the McCarthy era and the attempted coverup of Watergate.

The Trump Campaign

The Obama administration authorized the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign as part of the infamous Trump/Russia hoax, using informants and surveillance on multiple campaign aides to pursue evidence of foreign collusion in the 2016 presidential election. The effort continued well into the Trump presidency.

The FBI even obtained FISA warrants to wiretap Carter Page, a campaign adviser and CIA asset who was not accused of any crime, based on a report that the DOJ later admitted was full of "factual misstatements and omissions."

The FBI lawyer pushing the decision had personal anti-Trump motives, as shown by his words, "viva the resistance" in an email after Trump’s victory in 2016.

Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

In 2020, several members of the anti-government group "Wolverine Watchmen" were arrested for a supposed plot to kidnap and overthrow Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-Michigan) in opposition to her COVID lockdown orders.

Multiple reports show the FBI had infiltrated the group before any planning took place, lending their aid in formulating the plot. Over half of the top planners were FBI agents or informants. One informant helped organize meetings across the country where planning took place, incentivizing members to attend by paying for hotel and food expenses.

An agent who was the group's "explosives expert" offered to obtain explosives that would be needed for the job and advised on where and how to use them. The head of transportation was also an agent, and the head of security was an informant.

Yet, despite compelling evidence of the Bureau effectively inciting what the DOJ calls a "domestic terror" plot, only members of Wolverine Watchmen face consequences for it as several have been indicted.

January 6th

Among the 600+ federal cases related to Jan 6th, 15 members of the Proud Boys that were present at the Capitol now face charges of "conspiracy."

In March, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified in front of the Senate on the events of Jan 6th. Referring to the Proud Boys by name, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) asked him:

"... there must be moments where you think, 'If we would've known, if we could have infiltrated this group or found out what they were doing.' Do you have those moments?"

Running with the premise of her question, Wray replied, ''absolutely,'' promising the Bureau's efficiency in thwarting future attacks.

In September, however, The New York Times disclosed that at least 2 FBI informants who had infiltrated the Proud Boys were at the Capitol on Jan 6th, one giving his FBI handler a play-by-play of events via text, another participating in the raid of the building. The Bureau remains silent on this contradiction regarding a key aspect of their involvement, indicating either incompetence or hidden intent.

School Boards

In response to recent protests at school boards across the country, mainly by parents opposing school mask policies and the teaching of Critical Race Theory, the National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter to the White House in September requesting government response to "acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials" at heated school board events.

Out of their given examples cited from news articles, two involved alleged violence or threats of violence and one involved a parent ticketed for trespassing, all of which were resolved by local police. The rest were non-violent statements or outbursts that the NSBA deemed unacceptable.

In response, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memo on October 4th detailing his plan to address the "disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" directed at schools, promising to direct the FBI to "convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days."

What else is happening in schools?

Scott Smith, a Virginia father referenced in one of the articles cited by the NSBA, angrily protested a Loudoun County school’s policies on transgender students after a "gender-fluid" boy allegedly entered a girl’s bathroom and raped his 15-year-old daughter. The board denied that it happened, the superintendent said the perpetrator "does not exist," and the boy was transferred to another school where he assaulted another female student in an empty classroom, for which he has now been arrested.

Additionally, parents of students at a high school in Hudson, Ohio complained of a book being distributed to students containing hundreds of writing prompts, some of which were sexually explicit. The superintendent claimed it was an accident, that the book was not well-examined for inappropriate content, and discontinued its use. One student of the same school also stated to the board that she and other minor students had been forced to watch sexually explicit movies in class, one featuring a ten-year-old.

Parents of students at a high school in Fairfax County, Virginia were also outraged over two books in the school library: "Gender Queer," which contained explicit visual illustrations of sexual acts, and "Lawn Boy," which graphically described sex involving children. "Lawn Boy" was also found in the library of another high school in Leaner, Texas by the parent of a student.

The FBI is not investigating any of these schools. Instead, Biden's Justice Department aims to weaponize it against concerned parents to keep the good favor of the NSGA. The Bureau’s apparent function is to respect the powerful.

There will always be imperfections in law enforcement, but when a single, powerful entity is constantly unreliable and unaccountable, it's time for reform.


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