Trump's Accomplishments: Hundreds of Reasons Why Americans Vote Trump

Donald Trump’s top accomplishments include record-low unemployment rates for African Americans and Latinos, historic HBCU funding, military pay raises, and his leadership in defeating ISIS. Plus real wage growth, Operation Warp Speed, and more.

Trump Accomplishments

A close look at the first Trump administration’s legacy, not from the viewpoint of pundits or critics, but through the eyes of those who shaped it. What are the accomplishments they would highlight to the American public as reasons for a second term? What policies do they consider transformative?

Top Trump Accomplishments

  1. No New Foreign Wars: Trump’s administration did not involve the U.S. in any new foreign wars.

  2. African American Unemployment: The national unemployment rate for African Americans hit a record low of 5.4% under Trump.

  3. Permanent HBCU Funding: Trump signed the FUTURE Act, providing $25 million/year in permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

  4. Record Low Latino Unemployment: Hispanic American unemployment dropped to a record low of 3.9%.

  5. Native American Task Force: Trump signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Native Americans, addressing high rates of violence against indigenous communities.

  6. Women’s Unemployment: The unemployment rate for women hit its lowest in 65 years, dropping to 3.4% in April 2019.

  7. Largest Military Pay Raise: Trump secured a 3% military pay raise, the largest in nearly a decade.

  8. Real Wage Growth: Real wages increased by 7% during Trump’s first three years, the highest since the 1970s.

  9. Operation Warp Speed: Trump spearheaded Operation Warp Speed, fast-tracking vaccine development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. Defeating ISIS: Trump led the defeat of ISIS's territorial caliphate and oversaw the killing of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Table of Contents

Trump's Accomplishments for Black Americans

  1. Increased HBCU Federal Funding: President Trump signed legislation increasing federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by 13%. Source

  2. Permanent HBCU Funding: Trump signed the FUTURE Act, providing $25 million per year in permanent funding for HBCUs. Source

  3. Executive Director for HBCUs: Trump created the position of Executive Director for the White House Initiative on HBCUs. Source

  4. HBCU Funding Achievement: Trump appropriated more money than any other president to HBCUs. Source

  5. Opportunity Zones: Trump launched 8,762 opportunity zones aimed at attracting business and investment to low-income majority African American communities. Source

  6. First Step Act: Trump signed the First Step Act, reforming the criminal justice system and benefiting over 3,100 inmates, with more than 90% of them being Black Americans. Source

  7. African American Unemployment: The national unemployment rate for African Americans dropped to 5.4%, the lowest in history. Source

  8. Preventing Maternal Deaths Act: Trump signed this act to address high maternal mortality rates, particularly among Black Americans.

  9. MLK Birthplace National Historic Park: Trump upgraded Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthplace to a national historic park. Source

  10. Lower Imprisonment Rate: In 2018, the imprisonment rate for African Americans hit its lowest point since 1989. Source

  11. African American Poverty Rate: In 2019, the poverty rate for African Americans was the lowest on record. Source

  12. Forgiveness of HBCU Hurricane Debt: Trump forgave HBCU debts resulting from Hurricane Katrina. Source

  13. Bipartisan Justice Award: Trump received this award from the Bipartisan Justice Center for his efforts in criminal justice reform. Source

  14. Apprenticeships and NASA Recruitment: Trump worked with private companies to offer apprenticeships for HBCU students and directed NASA to recruit HBCU enrollees for space-related careers. Source

  15. School Voucher Program for Black Students: Trump reauthorized and funded Washington, D.C.’s school voucher program, benefiting low-income Black students. Source

  16. Pardon of Jack Johnson: Trump posthumously pardoned Black boxing champion Jack Johnson, who had been imprisoned due to a racially charged scandal in 1912. Source

  17. Record Low Jobless Rate for Black Teenagers: The unemployment rate for Black teenagers dropped to a record low of 15.8% under Trump, compared to 26.2% when he took office. Source

  18. Higher Wage Gains for Nonwhites: Wage gains for nonwhite workers under Trump were substantially higher than for white workers, exceeding economists' estimates of inflation and productivity. Source

  19. Plan for Black America: Trump’s plan for Black America designated the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a terrorist organization and aimed to make lynching a national hate crime. The plan also pledged to increase access to capital in Black communities by nearly $500 billion. Source

Accomplishments for Latino Americans

  1. White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative: On July 9th, 2020, Trump enacted an executive order to improve access to education, training, and economic opportunities for Hispanic American students. Source

  2. Job Creation: More than 2.9 million jobs for Latino Americans were created since Trump was elected. Source

  3. Record Income: In 2017, the median Latino American income hit its highest ever recorded level ($50,486). Source

  4. Record Low Unemployment: Hispanic American unemployment hit a record low of 3.9%. Source

  5. Poverty Rate: Poverty rates for Hispanic Americans hit new lows in 2018. Source

  6. Homeownership Increase: The Latino American homeownership rate rose by more than a percentage point since Trump took office (46.3% to 47.4%). Source

  7. Income Growth: The median Latino American income rose by $1,786 during Trump’s first year in office. Source

Accomplishments for LGBT

  1. LGBT Government Appointments: Trump nominated and appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors. Source

  2. Global Campaign to End Criminalization of Homosexuality: Trump launched a global effort to end the criminalization of homosexuality in countries where it's still illegal to be gay. Source

  3. HIV Prevention Efforts: Trump pledged to end HIV for the LGBT and general communities and secured free HIV medication for over 200,000 people. Source

  4. Funding for HIV Initiative: Trump's 2021 budget proposal includes $716 million in funding to eliminate new HIV infections. Source

  5. Historic Appointment: Trump appointed Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence, making him the highest-serving openly gay man in federal office. Source

  6. Support for Gay Marriage: Trump was the first president in history to support gay marriage at the time of his election. Source

Accomplishments for Native Americans

  1. Bills Signed for Native Communities: Trump signed 3 bills benefiting Native Americans, including one that compensates the Spokane tribe for land loss and others supporting Native language programs and federal recognition for the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Source

  2. Task Force on Missing and Murdered Native Americans: Trump signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives. Source

Other Accomplishments

  1. Asian American Unemployment: The unemployment rate for Asian Americans hit a record low of 2.5% in September 2019. Source

  2. Executive Order on Anti-Semitism: Trump signed an executive order allowing the government to withhold money from college campuses deemed anti-Semitic or failing to combat anti-Semitism. Source

  3. Holocaust Education Bill: Trump signed the 'Never Again' Holocaust education bill, allocating $10 million to expand Holocaust awareness and provide curriculum materials for teachers. Source

Unemployment Rates by Demographic Group Under Trump

Demographic Group

Unemployment Rate Achieved Under Trump


African American

5.4%, an all-time low


Latino Americans

3.9%, record low


Black Teenagers

15.8%, a record low


Asian Americans

2.5%, record low


Poverty Reduction By Demographic Group Under Trump

Demographic Group

Poverty Reduction Under Trump


African American Poverty Rate

Lowest ever on record (2019)


Hispanic American Poverty Rate

Hit new lows in 2018


Women in Poverty

Number of women in poverty fell by 1.5 million


Total Americans Lifted from Poverty

2.5 million Americans, including 1.4 million children lifted from poverty


Demographic Group

Unemployment Rate Achieved

Poverty Reduction

Major Legislation / Initiatives

African Americans

5.4% (All-time low)

Record low in 2019

First Step Act, HBCU funding, Opportunity Zones

Latino Americans

3.9% (Record low)

Record low in 2018

White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, 2.9 million jobs created


3.4% (Lowest in 65 years)

1.5 million women lifted from poverty

STEM Education Grants, Friendly Airports for Mothers Act


Not specified

Not specified

Global Campaign to End Criminalization of Homosexuality, HIV medication donation

Native Americans

Not specified

Not specified

Compensation to Spokane Tribe, Task Force on Missing Natives

Asian Americans

2.5% (Record low)

Not specified

Not specified

Accomplishments for Women

  1. Record Low Unemployment for Women: The women’s unemployment rate reached its lowest in 65 years under President Trump (3.4%, April 2019). Source

  2. Job Gains for Women: In 2019, 1.5 million jobs were added for women, accounting for 50% of total job gains for the first time ever. Source

  3. STEM Education Grants for Women: Trump directed more than $200 million per year to technology education grants for women and programs encouraging STEM careers. Source

  4. INSPIRE Act: Trump signed the INSPIRE Act, encouraging NASA to have more women and girls participate in STEM and aerospace careers. Source

  5. Reduction in Women’s Poverty: During Trump’s first year in office, the number of American women in poverty fell by nearly 600,000, and by 1.5 million over two years. Source

  6. Friendly Airports for Mothers Act: Trump signed this bipartisan act, requiring all major U.S. airports to provide nursing rooms for breastfeeding mothers. Source

  7. Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers Act: Trump signed this bill requiring public buildings with public bathrooms to provide separate lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers. Source

  8. Susan B. Anthony Pardon: Trump gave a posthumous pardon for Susan B. Anthony, a leader in the women’s suffrage movement, who was charged for illegally voting. Source

Accomplishments for Families

  1. Tax Relief for Americans: Trump provided tax relief for 65% of Americans. Source

  2. Household Wealth Growth: Real household wealth increased by nearly $12 trillion since 2017. Source

  3. Household Income Growth: In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high. Source

  4. Doubling of the Child Tax Credit: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the Child Tax Credit, saving nearly 40 million families an average of $2,200. Source

  5. Reduction in Food Stamp Use: Since Trump’s election, 5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps. Source

  6. Net Wealth Growth for Lower-Income Households: Before the pandemic, net wealth held by the bottom 50% of households grew by 47%, three times the rate for the top 1%. Source

  7. Paid Parental Leave: Trump signed into law up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for millions of federal workers. Source

  8. Increase in Single-Family Home Sales: New single-family home sales were up 31.6% in October 2019 compared to the previous year. Source

  9. Removal of Obamacare Individual Mandate: Trump removed the Obamacare individual mandate, saving many Americans from paying penalties for not having insurance. Source

  10. Promotion of School Choice: Trump’s tax cuts promoted school choice by allowing families to use 529 savings plans for K-12 education. Source

  11. Religious Freedom Executive Order: Trump signed an executive order enforcing federal laws protecting religious freedom. Source

  12. Youth Unemployment at 50-Year Low: Youth unemployment hit a 50-year low under Trump’s administration. Source

  13. Title IX Enforcement Against Sexual Assault: In February 2020, Trump’s administration announced new Title IX enforcement to combat sexual assault in K-12 schools. Source

  14. Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act: Trump signed the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act in 2017, which expanded protections against telemarketing and email fraud targeting the elderly. Source

Veteran Accomplishments

Veteran Initiative

Action Taken by Trump


Largest Pay Raise for Military

Secured largest pay raise in nearly a decade (3.0%)


Mental Health Services Funding

Secured $8.6 billion in funding for veteran mental health services


24/7 Veteran Hotline

Created a 24/7 hotline for veterans, staffed by veterans or family


Veteran Suicide Prevention Campaign (REACH)

Launched $53 million campaign to reduce veteran suicides


Accomplishments for the Military and Veterans

  1. Military Pay Raise: Trump secured the largest military pay raise in nearly a decade, with a raise of more than 3% for the first time since 2010. Source

  2. POW/MIA Remains Returned: Trump facilitated the return of the remains of POW/MIA service members from the Korean War due to his diplomatic efforts with North Korea. Source

  3. Veteran Affairs Funding: Trump secured a record $73.1 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to improve medical care for veterans. Source

  4. Student Loan Debt Relief for Disabled Veterans: In 2019, Trump signed a memorandum eliminating 100% of student loan debt for permanently disabled veterans. Source

  5. Mental Health Services Funding: The Trump administration secured a record $8.6 billion in funding to improve mental health services and address veteran suicide. Source

  6. REACH Campaign: Trump launched the REACH initiative, a $53 million, 2-year government campaign aimed at reducing suicide, particularly among veterans. Source

  7. Record Low Veteran Unemployment: In 2019, the veteran unemployment rate was 3.1%, the lowest in 19 years. Source

  8. 24/7 Veterans Hotline: As part of VA reform, Trump created a 24/7 hotline for veterans, staffed 90% by veterans and their family members. Source

  9. PREVENTS Executive Order: Trump signed the PREVENTS executive order to establish a 3-year effort to change the culture around mental health and prevent suicide, not just for veterans but all Americans. Source

  10. Support for Veteran Farmers: The Trump administration provided $15 million in funding for socially disadvantaged veteran farmers and ranchers to help them own and operate farms. Source

  11. Mental Health Access for Transitioning Veterans: Trump issued an executive order requiring a plan to provide veterans with mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. Source

  12. Veterans Choice Program Extension: Trump signed legislation eliminating the expiration date for the Veterans Choice Program and twice authorized funding to keep it operational. Source

  13. VA MISSION Act: Trump signed the VA MISSION Act of 2018, which expands criteria for veterans seeking care outside the VA healthcare system. Source

  14. Forever GI Bill: Trump signed the Forever GI Bill, bringing significant changes to education benefits for service members, veterans, and their families, including no expiration date, more benefits for Purple Heart recipients, and increased eligibility for STEM degrees. Source

  15. Rebuilding the U.S. Military: Increased the defense budget and improved military readiness.

Trump Economy Accomplishments

Economic Accomplishments:

Economic Indicator



GDP Growth

Exceeded Congressional Budget Office projections


Real Household Wealth Increase

Increased by nearly $12 trillion since 2017


Dow Jones Record Highs

Hit record highs over 100 times


Small Business Optimism

Jumped to a record high


Manufacturing Job Growth

Fastest rate of growth in over 30 years


Wage Gains for Nonwhites

Higher than wage gains for whites


Low-Wage Workers Income Boost

4.5% income boost, outpacing higher-income workers


5 Million Americans Lifted Off Food Stamps

Since Trump took office


Trump vs Biden Economy Statistics

Real Wage Growth: Under Trump, real wages (adjusted for inflation) increased by 7% during his first three years, the highest since the 1970s. Under Biden, real wages initially declined, with a 2.3% decrease during his first two years due to inflation outpacing wage increases.


Trump Administration (Pre-pandemic, 2017-2019)

Biden Administration (2021-Present)

GDP Growth (Average)

2.5% (2017-2019)

5.8% (2021), 2.1% (2022), 2.5% (2023)

Unemployment Rate

3.5% (end of 2019)

3.8% (as of Sept 2023)

Job Creation (Excluding COVID recovery)

6.6 million (2017-2019)

Approx. 4.9 million (excluding jobs recovered post-COVID)

Inflation Rate

1.5% - 2.3% (pre-pandemic)

6.5% in 2022, 3.7% in 2023

National Debt

$23.2 trillion (end of 2019)

$33.6 trillion (as of October 2023)

Gas Prices

$2.60 per gallon (Dec 2019)

$3.83 per gallon (Sept 2023)

Highest Interest Rate

2.25% (end of 2019)

5.33% (July 2023)

Real Wage Growth

7% increase (2017-2019)

-2.3% decrease (Jan 2021 to June 2023)

Manufacturing Jobs

+450,000 (2017-2019)

+150,000 (excluding COVID recovery)

Grocery Price Inflation

~2% annual increase

20% increase (2021-2024)​

President Trump Economic Growth

  1. Real GDP Growth: Under Trump, real GDP growth exceeded Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections and outpaced the Obama administration's expansion. Source

  2. Poverty Reduction: Nearly 2.5 million Americans, including 1.4 million children, were lifted out of poverty under Trump. Source

  3. Consumer Confidence: Consumer confidence reached an 18-year high during Trump’s administration. Source

  4. Small Business Optimism: Small business optimism hit a record high under Trump, according to the NFIB survey. Source

  5. Tax Cut Benefits: More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits. Source

  6. Utility Rate Reductions: Over 100 utility companies lowered electric, gas, or water rates thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Source

  7. Worker Compensation Increase: 89% of companies planned to increase worker compensation due to Trump’s tax cuts. Source

  8. Olympics Bid Win: Trump helped secure the U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, boosting tourism and economic activity. Source

  9. World Cup Bid Win: Trump assisted in winning the U.S.-Mexico-Canada bid for the 2026 World Cup, expected to increase U.S. tourism and economic activity. Source

  10. Stock Market Records: The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit record highs over 100 times during Trump’s presidency. Source

  11. Income Boost for Low-Wage Workers: The 25% lowest-paid Americans saw a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, surpassing the 2.9% increase for the highest-paid workers. Source

  12. Poverty Rate Decline: Before the pandemic, the poverty rate dropped to a 17-year low of 11.8% under Trump’s administration. Source

  13. Small Business Tax Relief: Trump’s tax cuts resulted in $415 billion in tax relief for small business owners. Source

  14. Corporate Tax Cut: Trump reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Source

  15. New Home Sales: New home sales hit their highest level since December 2006, reaching an annual rate of 901,000 units under Trump. Source

  16. Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005 (51%). Source

  17. Pay Increases for Blue-Collar Workers: A nationwide study found that 68% of blue-collar workers received pay increases under Trump. Source

  18. Manufacturers’ Optimism: Manufacturers’ optimism reached an all-time high of 95.1%, with medium-sized manufacturers recording the highest optimism in the survey’s 20-year history (95.8%). Source

President Trump Job Creation and Unemployment

  1. Essential Medical Supplies Executive Order: On August 6, 2020, Trump signed an executive order to increase U.S. production of essential medical supplies and reduce reliance on foreign producers. Source

  2. National Workforce Strategy: Trump created the National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board to develop a strategy for training workers in high-demand industries. Source

  3. Job Creation: 5 million more jobs were added than the CBO projected prior to the 2016 election. Source

  4. Surpassing Job Projections: The economy added more jobs in 2019 than the CBO projected for Trump’s first three years. Source

  5. Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate was 1.4 percentage points lower than the CBO’s pre-election projection as of January 2020. Source

  6. Jobless Claims Low: Initial weekly jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low under Trump. Source

  7. Job Openings Surpassed Unemployment: Job openings outnumbered unemployed Americans for the first time on record under Trump. Source

  8. Record Job Openings: U.S. employers posted a record high of 7.3 million open jobs in December 2019. Source

  9. Unemployment Below 4%: December 2019 marked the 22nd consecutive month that the unemployment rate was at or below 4%. Source

  10. Manufacturing Job Growth: Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most in a year since 1997. Source

  11. Record Low Unemployment for Disadvantaged Groups: Unemployment rates for Americans without a high school degree and disabled Americans hit record lows. Source

  12. Federal Jobs for U.S. Workers: Trump’s executive order in August 2020 required federal agencies to prioritize U.S. citizens in federal contracts. Source

  13. Support for Small Businesses After Kenosha Riots: Trump provided nearly $4 million to support small businesses affected by the Kenosha riots. Source

  14. Youth Unemployment: Summer youth unemployment reached its lowest rate since 1966 under Trump. Source

  15. Apprenticeship Opportunities: Trump signed an executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers. Source

  16. Ready to Work Initiative: Trump’s DOJ launched the “Ready to Work Initiative” to help connect employers with former prisoners. Source

  17. Manufacturing Job Growth: Manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in over 30 years under Trump. Source

  18. Deregulation: Trump eliminated a record number of regulations that hurt small businesses. Source

  19. Welfare Reform: Trump signed welfare reform requiring able-bodied adults without children to work or seek employment if they are on welfare. Source

President Trump Trade and Economy

  1. Japan Trade Agreement: Trump reached a trade deal with Japan, eliminating or reducing tariffs on $7.2 billion in U.S. agricultural exports. Source

  2. Pork, Potatoes, and Poultry Exports: Restrictions were lifted on American pork exports to Argentina (first time in 26 years), Idaho chipping potatoes to Japan, and American poultry to South Korea. Source

  3. U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Trump signed a revised version of the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Source

  4. USMCA Agreement: Trump created and signed the USMCA with Canada and Mexico, which created 176,000 new jobs, including 76,000 in the automotive industry, with potential for nearly 600,000 new jobs and $235 billion in economic activity. Source

  5. USMCA Dairy Exports: Under Trump’s USMCA, American dairy exports are expected to grow by $315 million annually. Source

  6. USMCA Agricultural Exports: American agricultural exports are expected to increase by $2.2 billion annually under the USMCA. Source

  7. Small Business Support in USMCA: Trump’s USMCA is the first U.S. trade agreement to include a chapter supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Source

  8. Trade and Investment Deals with China and Vietnam: Trump secured $250 billion in trade and investment deals with China and $12 billion with Vietnam. China agreed to increase agricultural purchases by $12.5 billion in 2020 and $19.5 billion in 2021. Source

  9. Farm Aid: The Trump administration announced $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019. Source

  10. Protection for Farmers: Trump authorized $12 billion in aid to protect farmers from unfair trade practices under the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act. Source

  11. Repatriated Capital: Over $1 trillion was brought back to the U.S. from overseas because of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Source

  12. Lower U.S.-China Trade Deficit: Under Trump, the U.S. goods trade deficit with China fell to a five-year low. Source

  13. Middle-Class Tax Cuts: Trump passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced taxes for middle-class Americans.

Trump Energy Accomplishments

  1. Coal Exports Surge: American coal exports increased by more than 60% in 2017. Source

  2. Natural Gas Exporter: In 2017, the U.S. became a natural gas exporter for the first time in 60 years. Source

  3. Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines Approved: The approval of these pipelines supported an estimated 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in wages. Source

  4. World’s Largest Oil Producer: Under Trump, the U.S. became the world’s largest producer of crude oil in 2018, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. Source

  5. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Export Extension: Trump extended LNG export authorizations through 2050, reducing the trade deficit by over $10 billion and creating tens of thousands of jobs. Source

  6. LNG Export Growth: LNG exports quadrupled under Trump’s administration. Source

  7. Energy Exports to Europe: Trump secured a deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe. Source

  8. Record Oil Production: U.S. oil production reached an all-time high under Trump, making the U.S. less dependent on Middle Eastern oil. Source

Trump Healthcare Accomplishments

Healthcare Accomplishments

  1. Right to Try Legislation: Trump signed the “Right to Try” law, expanding access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients. Source

  2. Free Speech and Religious Liberty Executive Order: In 2017, Trump issued an executive order promoting free speech and religious liberty, helping faith-based groups provide healthcare coverage to 13.7 million Americans. Source

  3. The administration launched, a public resource to combat substance abuse. Source

  4. HIV Prevention Drugs for Uninsured Patients: Trump’s administration provided HIV prevention drugs for free to 200,000 uninsured patients per year for 11 years. Source

  5. Lowering Drug Costs: On July 24, 2020, Trump signed orders lowering drug costs by requiring community health centers to pass insulin and EpiPen discounts directly to patients, allowing drug imports from Canada, and preventing pharmacy benefit managers from pocketing discounts. Source

  6. Healthcare Price Transparency: Trump signed an executive order forcing healthcare providers to disclose costs upfront, allowing Americans to compare prices. Source

  7. Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act: In 2018, Trump signed this act, making gag orders illegal, allowing pharmacists to disclose cost-saving options for prescriptions. Source

  8. Rising Life Expectancy: U.S. life expectancy slightly increased in 2018, reversing a four-year decline driven by the opioid epidemic. Source

  9. Advancing American Kidney Health: Trump’s executive order aimed to improve kidney care through preventive measures, home dialysis, and increasing kidney transplants. Source

  10. Rural Health and Telehealth Access: Trump’s August 2020 executive order ensured Telehealth Medicare payments continue after the pandemic and directed federal agencies to improve broadband infrastructure in rural communities. Source

  11. Supporting Law Enforcement Mental Health: Trump signed the Supporting and Treating Officers in Crisis Act, expanding support services for law enforcement personnel, including suicide prevention and mental health programs. Source

  12. Medicare Reform for Low-Income Seniors: Trump reformed Medicare to prevent hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors for their drugs. Source

  13. Lupus Research Funding: Trump signed funding packages in 2019, providing nearly $19 million for Lupus-specific research and education, as well as $41.7 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)—the most Lupus funding ever.

Trump COVID accomplishments

  1. Health Workforce Expansion: On June 18, 2020, Trump’s administration awarded $107.2 million to expand the health workforce in underserved communities. Source

  2. Farmers to Families Food Box Program: By June 4, 2020, over 5 million food boxes were distributed to support farmers and families affected by the coronavirus. Source

  3. Extended Food Box Program Contracts: On June 17, 2020, the Trump administration extended contracts for the Farmers to Families Food Box Program to help fill hunger gaps across the country. Source

  4. Free Summer Meals for Kids: On June 10, 2020, Trump’s administration extended free summer meals for kids, regardless of where they live. Source

  5. Defense Production Act (DPA) for COVID-19 Supplies: Trump used the DPA to produce 20 million more coronavirus testing swabs monthly, as well as ramping up ventilator, mask, and supply production. Source

  6. COVID-19 Relief Executive Orders: On August 8, 2020, Trump signed executive orders providing a $400-per-week supplemental unemployment payment, extending student loan relief, halting evictions, and offering a payroll tax holiday for Americans earning less than $100,000. Source

  7. Operation Warp Speed: Trump’s administration spearheaded Operation Warp Speed to fast-track vaccine development, aiming for distribution in late 2020 and 2021. Source

  8. CARES Act: Trump signed the CARES Act, providing financial support for laid-off workers to help them cover essential expenses during the pandemic. Source

  9. China Travel Ban: Trump imposed the China travel ban before the first coronavirus case spread within the U.S. Source

Trump Opioid Epidemic and Drug Crisis Accomplishments

  1. Opioid Abuse Initiative: Trump launched an initiative to stop opioid abuse and reduce drug supply and demand, introducing new measures to confront the crisis. Source

  2. SUPPORT Act: Trump signed the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the largest legislative package addressing a single drug crisis in history, which includes addiction medicine education. Source

  3. Funding for Opioid Epidemic: Trump secured a record $6 billion in funding to combat the opioid epidemic. Source

  4. Reduced Opioid Prescriptions: High-dose opioid prescriptions were reduced by 16% during Trump’s first year in office. Source

  5. Safer Prescribing Plan: Trump implemented a plan to cut opioid prescription fills by one-third within three years. Source

  6. Decrease in Overdose Deaths: In 2018, drug overdose deaths fell for the first time in 28 years, decreasing by 4.1% compared to 2017. Source

  7. VA Opioid Reduction: The Department of Veterans Affairs reduced opioid prescriptions by 64% within the VA healthcare system. Source

Trump Human Trafficking Accomplishments

  1. Frederick Douglass Act and Abolish Human Trafficking Act: Trump signed legislation authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking, while strengthening survivor support programs. Source

  2. Executive Order on Transnational Trafficking: In 2017, Trump signed an executive order targeting transnational criminal organizations engaged in human trafficking. Source

  3. $35 Million for Trafficking Survivors: Trump provided $35 million in grants to aid human trafficking survivors, offering transitional housing, rent, utilities, and other support. Source

  4. Southern Border Wall and Human Trafficking: The nearly 300-mile southern border wall contributed to a decrease in human trafficking and illegal crossings. Source

  5. Executive Order on Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation: Trump’s order directed a focus on combating human trafficking through federal coordination and improved data tracking. Source

Trump Environmental Accomplishments

  1. Save Our Seas Act: Trump signed the Save Our Seas Act in 2018, providing $10 million to reduce ocean debris and support marine debris response efforts. Source

  2. Great American Outdoors Act: Trump signed the Great American Outdoors Act, securing $900 million annually for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Source

  3. 1.3 Million Acres of New Wilderness: Trump signed legislation designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness, the largest public lands legislation in a decade. Source

  4. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction: U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fell by 2.1% in 2019 under Trump’s presidency. Source

  5. Emissions Reduction in Power Generation: Emissions from electric power generation dropped by 10% in 2019 due to a switch from coal to natural gas and renewables. Source

  6. Affordable Clean Energy Rule: Trump proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule to reduce greenhouse gases, empower states, and promote energy independence and job creation. Source

  7. Superfund Task Force: Trump created a Superfund task force to streamline and improve the cleanup of toxic sites. Source

  8. Superfund Site Cleanups: Under Trump, the EPA deleted 82 Superfund sites from the National Priorities List, a significant increase in cleanups compared to previous years. Source

Trump Foreign Policy Accomplishments

Middle East

  1. No New Foreign Wars: Trump’s administration did not involve the U.S. in any new foreign wars.

  2. Defeating ISIS: Trump defeated ISIS’ territorial caliphate and announced the return of American troops from Syria. Source

  3. Killing Baghdadi: Trump ordered the successful operation that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a top national security priority, in 2019. Source

  4. Soleimani Killing: Trump ordered the killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was responsible for hundreds of American deaths during the Iraq war. Source

  5. NATO Contributions: Trump pushed NATO allies to increase their defense spending, leading to billions more in contributions. Source

Israel and The Abraham Accords

  1. Jerusalem Recognition: Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy there. Source

  2. Israel-Bahrain Peace Deal: Trump brokered the peace deal between Israel and Bahrain, normalizing relations. Source

  3. Israel-UAE Peace Deal: Trump and Jared Kushner negotiated a historic peace agreement between Israel and the UAE. Source

  4. Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan: Trump unveiled the “Peace to Prosperity” plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Source

  5. Opposition to UN Resolution 2334: Trump opposed the UN resolution that deemed Israeli settlements illegal. Source

  6. Taylor Force Act: Trump signed the law halting U.S. aid to any Palestinian entity that financially rewards terrorists. Source

  7. Golan Heights Recognition: Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Source

  8. Sudan Normalizing Ties with Israel: Under Trump’s leadership, Sudan agreed to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the third Arab state to do so. Source

  9. Settlement Policy Change: The U.S. under Trump declared that Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria are not necessarily illegal. Source

  10. Israel-Morocco Relations: Israel and Morocco normalized relations under Trump, marking the fourth Arab-Israeli agreement in four months. Source

Everything Else Foreign

  1. UN Budget Cuts: Trump advocated for cuts in wasteful UN spending, resulting in hundreds of millions in budget reductions. Source

  2. Tough on Russia: Trump took action against Russia’s malign activities, including efforts to undermine U.S. elections. Source

  3. Sanctions on Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua: Trump imposed strong sanctions on the corrupt regimes in these countries. Source

  4. Lobbying Ban: Trump fulfilled his promise to "drain the swamp" by banning administration officials from lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of foreign entities. Source

  5. Release of American Citizens Abroad: Trump secured the release of multiple Americans held abroad, including Pastor Andrew Brunson and Josh Holt. Source

  6. Guantanamo Bay Remains Open: Trump signed an executive order to keep the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay open to detain terrorists. Source

  7. Hostages Freed: Trump successfully negotiated the release of over a dozen U.S. hostages, including those Obama could not secure. Source

  8. Kosovo Award: Kosovo awarded Trump the Order of Freedom for his role in securing a deal with Serbia. Source

  9. 5G Clean Network Initiative: Trump signed agreements with Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and Kosovo to safeguard their 5G networks from Chinese influence. Source

  10. Global Clean Network Initiative: Trump launched the Clean Network initiative to promote global data privacy, security, and collaboration in communication networks. Source

  11. Reformed U.S.-China Trade: Imposed tariffs on China to address unfair trade practices.

Trump Domestic Accomplishments

  1. Career and Technical Education Act Reauthorization: Trump signed legislation reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making over $1 billion available for career education programs. Source

  2. Executive Branch Reorganization Plan: Trump’s administration submitted a plan to reorganize the executive branch to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Source

  3. Donating Salary: Trump donated his salary each quarter, fulfilling his promise to the American people. Source

  4. Space Force Established: Trump officially established the U.S. Space Force, the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Source

  5. Michigan Disaster Declaration: Trump approved a Major Disaster Declaration, providing over $43 million in federal funding to aid Michigan’s recovery from a dam break. Source

  6. 9/11 Memorial Funding: Trump allocated $2 million in federal funding for the 9/11 memorial and museum in New York City. Source

  7. 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund: Trump signed the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law. Source

  8. PACT Act: Trump signed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, making animal abuse a federal felony and increasing penalties for offenders. Source

  9. Cybersecurity Executive Order: Trump signed an executive order to strengthen the cybersecurity of federal networks and critical infrastructure. Source

  10. Vanessa Guillen Case: Trump got the DOJ and FBI involved in the Vanessa Guillen case and offered to help financially with her funeral. Source

  11. Science Advisory Council: Trump reestablished the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Source

  12. Kenosha and Wisconsin Public Safety Funding: Trump gave over $42 million to support public safety in Wisconsin and $1 million to Kenosha law enforcement following riots. Source

  13. Rural Water Infrastructure: Trump’s U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) committed $124 million to rebuilding rural water infrastructure. Source

  14. Music Modernization Act: Trump signed the Music Modernization Act, introducing the biggest change to copyright law in decades. Source

  15. Better under Trump: A Gallup poll found that the majority of Americans believe they are better off now under the Trump administration than they were four years ago. Source

  16. Appointment of Conservative Judges: He appointed three conservative justices to the Supreme Court and over 200 federal judges.

  17. Defunding Sanctuary Cities: Trump cut federal funding to sanctuary cities that refused to cooperate with immigration enforcement. Source

  18. Deportation of Criminal Aliens: Deported hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens who were illegally residing in the U.S.

Trump vs Biden Border Statistics

Since January 2021, at least 1.6 million known "gotaways"—migrants who entered the U.S. illegally without being apprehended—have been reported.

These "gotaways" are individuals who evade detection, often captured on camera or tracked through physical signs left in border areas. The majority are single adults, many with criminal records, actively avoiding capture by Border Patrol agents.

These figures are considered estimates, and the true number of gotaways is likely higher, as acknowledged by officials. Former Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz suggested the actual numbers could be underreported by 10-20%.


Trump Administration (2017-2020)

Biden Administration (2021-Present)

Annual Border Encounters

458,000 to 977,000

1.6 million to 2.7 million

Annual Deportations

275,000 (average)

59,000 (2021), 72,000 (2022)

Annual Asylum Applications

116,000 (average)

190,000 (2021), 207,000 (2022)

Encounters, Deportations, and Asylum Requests


Border Encounters


Asylum Applications

Trump Administration

















Biden Administration











Data not available

Data not available

Trump Accomplishments FAQ

Q: Did Trump start any new foreign wars during his administration?

A: No, Trump’s administration did not involve the U.S. in any new foreign wars.

Q: What was the African American unemployment rate under Trump?

A: The national unemployment rate for African Americans hit a record low of 5.4%.

Q: Did Trump provide permanent funding for HBCUs?

A: Yes, Trump signed the FUTURE Act, providing $25 million/year in permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Q: What was the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanic Americans under Trump?

A: Hispanic American unemployment dropped to a record low of 3.9%.

Q: How many openly gay ambassadors did Trump appoint?

A: Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors, the highest in U.S. history.

Q: What steps did Trump take to address violence against Native Americans?

A: Trump signed an executive order establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Native Americans to address high rates of violence in indigenous communities.

Q: What was the lowest unemployment rate for women during Trump’s presidency?

A: The unemployment rate for women dropped to 3.4%, the lowest in 65 years.

Q: Did Trump secure a military pay raise?

A: Yes, Trump secured a 3% military pay raise, the largest in nearly a decade.

Q: How did real wages grow under Trump?

A: Real wages increased by 7% during Trump’s first three years, the highest since the 1970s.

Q: What did Trump do to fast-track COVID-19 vaccine development?

A: Trump spearheaded Operation Warp Speed, fast-tracking vaccine development during the pandemic.

Q: How did Trump impact the fight against ISIS?

A: Trump led the defeat of ISIS's territorial caliphate and oversaw the killing of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.