‘Unknown’ Biden Family Member Profited From a Chinese Deal, House Committee Finds

By Hudson Crozier
Revealed: In 2017, Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker sent the Biden family over $1 million shortly after receiving millions from a Chinese company, according to bank records obtained by the House Oversight Committee. The committee’s chairman said the payments might indicate that President Joe Biden is “compromised” by China.
Who was involved: The Chinese energy firm State Energy HK Limited sent Walker $3 million in March 2017. Walker then sent money to another of Hunter’s associates and the Bidens over the next three months. Along with the president’s son, his brother, James, and the wife of his late son, Beau, one recipient was “an unknown bank account identified as ‘Biden.’”
Why it matters: Despite the president’s claim that he “never discussed” business with his son, emails have shown that he met with Hunter’s associates from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan as vice president. Hunter also mysteriously saved 10 percent of a Chinese deal “for the big guy” in 2017. Now, there’s evidence of Biden’s family—including one unidentified person—profiting from a Chinese company. This has motivated the House Oversight Committee to investigate further whether the president “is compromised by his family’s business schemes and if there is a national security threat.”
Big picture: Biden told a reporter that the committee’s report is “not true,” the White House accused Republicans of “bizarrely attacking the President’s family,” and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said the committee’s investigation stands in the way of “serious” congressional tasks. Still, the financial history of the Biden family continues to come under scrutiny; the Justice Department is probing Hunter’s taxes and a 2018 gun purchase.