Britain Backtracks on Puberty Blockers for Kids
A new report found scanty evidence that they are necessary, or safe.

What’s happening: The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) announced that it will no longer prescribe puberty blockers to children under 16. This comes on the heels of a British report which concludes that children who identify as transgender may have other mental health issues.
Why it matters: The decision comes amid the culture war over transgender ideology, and indicates that the tide may be turning against its supporters.
The report: Dr. Hillary Cass, a highly credentialed and respected medical professional, was asked by NHS to author the report. Though she promotes helping children with gender identity issues, her report found that published studies advocating for the safety of puberty blockers were of "poor quality" and lacked "reliable evidence" to justify their prescription for children.
More: Cass concludes what many suspected all along — that experiencing discomfort with one’s gender is a “natural process during childhood and adolescence.” Immediately prescribing hormone blockers to a healthy child could be extremely damaging.
Threatened: In an interview following the report's publication, Dr. Cass revealed she was advised by security services to avoid use of public transportation due to concerns about potential personal attacks. Left-wing politicians spread lies about what she wrote, saying she rejected studies that concluded puberty blockers were safe.
Hiding the facts? In the same interview, Cass revealed that multiple clinics refused to cooperate with her. One refused to release data on de-transitioners.
Meanwhile, in America: 22 states have enacted legislation banning puberty blockers, sex change surgeries, and hormones for children. The Biden administration, however, continues to rhetorically and legally promote transgender ideology.