☕ Daily Brief: Biden’s bizarre exit

Also, Kimberly Cheatle grilled by Congress

Today’s read: 5 min 36 sec

Good morning. We still haven’t heard from President Biden since his social media managers announced he intended to step down, but the plaque on the campaign door has already changed from “Biden for President” to “Harris for President.” Fundraising emails are going out with her name, the whole campaign has been rebranded in a matter of hours, and with Pelosi’s help in lobbying delegates, she’s now the presumptive Democratic nominee.

There is all amid new evidence that Joe Biden may have experienced a medical emergency last week. Where is he?

First time here? I’m Ari, and this is Upward News. Every day, we scour 100s of sources to bring you need-to-know news and insights you won’t see in the MSM. Sign up here.

Has World War III Already Started?

Tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate. The Ukraine conflict seems to be spiraling out of control for NATO and the west. And rumors are swirling that China could be preparing for war.

You may be wondering… Are we already in the early stages of World War III? For this Army combat veteran and survival expert, there’s no question about it. That’s why he's showing what he’s doing to prepare for a potential WWIII scenario.

It’s not what you expect… Because this has nothing to do with stockpiling freeze-dried food… building a bug out shelter…buying gold or silver… or installing backup generators. All those things are important…But we may not have much time left.

So right now, he's laser-focused on ONE specific survival resource… Something most “preppers” seem to ignore. In this video, he reveals everything you need to know.

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Has World War III Already Started?

Tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate. The Ukraine conflict seems to be spiraling out of control for NATO and the west. And rumors are swirling that China could be preparing for war.

You may be wondering… Are we already in the early stages of World War III? For this Army combat veteran and survival expert, there’s no question about it. That’s why he's showing what he’s doing to prepare for a potential WWIII scenario.

It’s not what you expect… Because this has nothing to do with stockpiling freeze-dried food… building a bug out shelter…buying gold or silver… or installing backup generators. All those things are important…But we may not have much time left.

So right now, he's laser-focused on ONE specific survival resource… Something most “preppers” seem to ignore. In this video, he reveals everything you need to know.

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🚨 Secret Service head was grilled by Congress. U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was berated by lawmakers from both parties over her failures to secure Donald Trump at his Pennsylvania rally. After her congressional grilling, bipartisan House members urged Cheatle to resign.

🚫 President Biden wiped his schedule after dropping out. Since the president announced he was dropping out of the presidential race, he canceled nine trips that were scheduled over the next two weeks. Currently at his residence in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, reportedly recovering from COVID-19, he has no immediate plans to return to Washington, D.C.

 Kamala Harris begins to rally the troops. V.P. Kamala Harris has already been endorsed by a majority of House Democrats, most Senate Democrats, and twelve Democratic governors. Additionally, key unions SEIU and AFT, along with state delegations from New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, pledged their support.

🇮🇱 Israeli P.M. Netanyahu en route to the U.S. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu departed for the United States on Monday, as he is scheduled to meet with President Biden and then address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. However, his meeting with Biden is reportedly in limbo, and Kamala Harris has declined to preside over Netanyahu’s Congressional speech.

  • Kamala Harris now has support from over half the required delegates — enough to clinch the nomination.

  • Senate GOP ads will hit Kamala Harris for her handling of illegal migration, being too liberal, and being “weird.”

  • House Democrats used the hearing for USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle to push for gun control legislation.

  • Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) told USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle she was “full of “sh**.”

  • Kamala Harris’s campaign raised $81 million in 24 hours.

  • The House Oversight Committee released an additional 4,000+ hours of January 6 footage.

  • Hunter Biden dropped his lawsuit against Fox News.

  • The world is preparing for Trump’s globalization. Read about the countries for and against Trump. (Member-only)

  • The most clicked link in our last newsletter was our interview with Dr. Myers on why Christians should support Israel.


Biden’s bizarre exit

  • President Biden clumsily and peculiarly announced his intention to leave the presidential race

  • Democrats are uniting around Kamala Harris to take his place, though her fate is uncertain

  • Nancy Pelosi helped orchestrate the plot to oust Biden

The story

Four weeks after the debate meltdown that launched one thousand Democrat knives at President Biden, he officially bowed out of the race. However, the announcement came after a bizarre series of events, with the president himself remaining conspicuously absent.

Posting his decision on X, he simply remarked, “While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris was not mentioned in his written statement — which strangely omitted the Presidential Seal — but was endorsed in a follow-up post. Further, his entire staff was blindsided by the announcement, after President Biden had repeatedly and forcefully declared his intention to remain in the race.

While the president is reportedly recovering from COVID, his schedule was almost completely wiped, and he has not made a public address about this historic decision to end his reelection campaign. His written statement read, “I will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about my decision.”

The Democrat Party is in turmoil as the president remains silent. Though the official nominee won’t be confirmed until the Democratic National Convention in August, Kamala Harris appears to be the preferred choice. Party leaders navigating the aftermath of Biden’s withdrawal are scrambling to regroup and unify behind her.

The politics

From the moment the presidential debate ended June 27, the president’s campaign was effectively over. Left-leaning media published dozens of scathing hit pieces on Biden, including leaks from the White House to underscore the new realization that the president is infirm. Now, they’ve got what they wanted.

With Joe Biden off the ticket, Kamala Harris has — in just 24 hours — gained the endorsement of dozens of lawmakers, outside groups, PACs, and even Congressional kingmaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Donald Trump posted more than a dozen reactions to Biden’s announcement. He denounced his record as president, said he would beat Kamala Harris, and claims that Biden never had COVID.

Some Republicans, like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), caution against downplaying Harris’s chances versus Trump. "Republicans, I worry, vastly underestimate Kamala Harris … When you or I bring up Kamala Harris' name in Republican circles, people laugh. It's immediately a punchline.” Although Harris is widely mocked, the power of the Democrat Party is behind her.

Cruz continued, "I think people are underestimating … billions of dollars of free media — of the entire corrupt corporate media complex pitching her as a combination of Mother Teresa, Oprah and Gandhi.”

Beyond the headlines

Nancy Pelosi was a key figure behind the Democrats’ attempt to oust Biden. She has long been considered the most powerful player in Washington and was a notable holdout on personally calling for Biden to step down.

However, Pelosi was in discussions not only with the president but also with his advisors, warning that their data was incorrect and that he was vulnerable to losing reelection. She privately appealed to the president and, when ignored, leaked their conversations to the press.

Further, she made rare but decisive public statements to keep the pushback against Biden alive. While she and senior Democrats refrained from publicly abandoning him in the weeks following the debate, they worked actively behind the scenes to rally lawmakers and donors to jump ship.

The snowball effect leading to Biden’s strange method of disqualifying himself further revealed the media’s deliberate attempt to downplay the president’s failing health. George Clooney, who attended a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser for the president last month, subsequently published an op-ed expressing his concerns. Despite everybody knowing the emperor had no clothes, it took several weeks for these revelations to come to light.

One constituency did support Biden’s remaining in the race — progressive Democrats. Liberal lawmakers like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voiced their support while many in their caucus abandoned him.

For many lawmakers, President Biden’s ability to govern was less important than his support for their progressive policies. They viewed him as someone easily influenced to back their legislation, making it foolish to replace him.

Why it matters

America still awaits President Biden’s address to the nation — or any public appearance — since his online post that he would leave the race. And while the vice president is the current frontrunner for the presidential nomination, many Democrats — including former president Barack Obama — are willing to watch a “process” play out for choosing a new nominee.

Until President Biden addresses the nation, Republicans will continue to demand his resignation and urge Democrats to invoke the 25th Amendment. As new polls spotlight Harris's standings against Trump, another wave of Democrat panic could ensue if the results are not reassuring.

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📊 Do you think Biden willingly stepped down?

Poll results will be in tomorrow's newsletter.

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Does Harris have a better shot to beat Trump?

🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 👍 Yes (156)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 👎 No (886)

⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🤔 Unsure (105)

👍 Yes: “Younger, more centrist, less polarizing--to say nothing of being female, black and smart.” — Ben

👎 No: “Cackles McGee came in LAST in the 2020 debate. She had ONE job, to SECURE the border and FAILED Miserably. She is just an extension of Byeden.” — Shea

👎 No: “Zero qualification.” — Tim

🤔 Unsure: “She’s not 3/4 dead, so she has that going for her, but she’s somehow a worse orator than Biden.” — Lea

🤔 Unsure: “I try to never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate...” — K.M.

1,147 votes

See you tomorrow

Today’s newsletter was written by Brandon Goldman and Ari David.